Marta Cabrol

I was born in 1976 in Barcelona. I remember when I was a child drawing all the time in the margins of my school papers and books.


I think that I was very lucky to have a mother who worked in the library where I spent many hours reading a lot of books. This was an important influence on me because it helped creat a special sensibility to the world of images. I can say that my job is one of my favourite hobbies. With my illustrations I feel I can combine the children’s world of imagination, story telling, and reading which have always been an important part of my live.

After I studied graphic design in ESDI (Ramon Llull University), I worked 12 years in different graphic design studios and doing some freelance work. During these years the illustrations became more important for me and the projects I did. And in 2004 I studied a Postgraduate in Illustration at EINA.

The last years I have been a freelance illustrator and I have worked for some important Spanish publishing companies (Random House, Barcanova, Cruïlla, Edelvives...)
