Ana Sender

I was born in Terrassa (Barcelona) the summer of 1978. As a child I loved to draw, write and imagine all sorts of stories. Then I grew up (although just a little bit) and studied painting and illustration in Massana art school in Barcelona.


Although I had a whole range of junk jobs, I have never stopped drawing and imagining stories. My work slowly started to appear in newspapers, books and also fashion (I’ve been a pattern designer for the Spanish brand La Casita de Wendy).

Recently I have written and illustrated children's books such as "The Orchid Hunter" or "The Cottingley Fairies". I also illustrate other people’s stories and I love it! My dreams have always played an important role in my work, I live a second life there that I try to remember when I wake up. So my last book “Onironiro” is a picture book about the adventures or situations I live in my dreams.

I like werewolves, surrealism and swampy places.
